1) Abandoned Purchase Email Functionality is now available to email customers who do not complete the checkout process after a certain number of minutes. Note that this email can only be sent if a customer starts the checkout process and gives their email address. If checkout is not started no personal information is known and no email can be sent. To enable this feature go to General–>Email–>Notifications. Scroll all of the way to the bottom of the page to … Continue reading “New Features Available – Abandoned Purchase Email and Shipping Estimator Default”
Email Scheduled Maintenance
Posted on May 8, 2013Categories Scheduled Maintenance NoticesStoreSecured will be upgrading our email server software to the latest version of Smartermail this Sunday, May 12th at 9:00pm PST. We expect the upgrade to be relatively quick with only a few short periods of downtime between 9-10pm PST. During maintenance the email servers will, at times, be temporarily unavailable for sending/receiving email. Any emails sent or receiving during any periods of downtime will automatically be received shortly after the maintenance is over. Users who utilize our web mail interface … Continue reading “Email Scheduled Maintenance”
Instructions to change email passwords
Posted on April 29, 2013Categories Hints Tips and TricksTo change your password just log in to web mail, if your password does not meet the strength requirements you will be prompted to change it. What if I don’t know an existing password? If you don’t know the password for a inbox you can reset it by logging in as the main email admin for your account. To login as the main email admin go to http://mail.storesecured.com the username would be managedomain@yourdomainname.com If you don’t know the password for … Continue reading “Instructions to change email passwords”
Email Password Strength
Posted on April 24, 2013Categories Important ChangesRecently we have been visited by spammers who were able to send spam through a few of our merchants email accounts. The email accounts which were compromised had easy to guess simple passwords. These attacks have affected our reputation as an email provider which in turn affects the deliverability of messages sent from our server. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that your email inbox’s have strong passwords to prevent these types of attacks from happening. Our staff is working … Continue reading “Email Password Strength”
Exchange ActiveSync Technology for Email
Posted on April 23, 2013Categories FeaturesWe need to hear from you. We are currently reviewing our email software and considering upgrading and adding exchange active sync technology to our email offering. We need to know if this is something that our merchants are interested in. Please note that there would be an additional minimal yearly cost on a per mailbox basis for the use of this functionality (the additional cost would apply only to those inbox’s which request the service). What is Exchange ActiveSync Microsoft’s Exchange ActiveSync … Continue reading “Exchange ActiveSync Technology for Email”
Scheduled Downtime Manage Server
Posted on April 19, 2013Categories Scheduled Maintenance NoticesThis Friday evening sometime between 10pm-2am Pacific Time the manage server will be temporarily shut down for a windows software security upgrade. This update will NOT affect customer websites it will only affect the ability to login and make changes to your website and the ftp server. During the update merchants will be unable to login to manage.storesecured.com and unable to connect to ftp via ftp.storesecured.com. Once the update begins the manage interface will be not available for approximately 1 hour … Continue reading “Scheduled Downtime Manage Server”
FTP Enable/Disable
Posted on March 28, 2013Categories Important ChangesPer our previous blog post regarding the important FTP changes, if your FTP password does not meet the password strength requirements your FTP access been disabled. If your FTP account was disabled it can be re-enabled by updating your FTP password from My Account–>Change FTP Password and then enabling FTP from General–>FTP. If you do NOT use FTP we recommend keeping it disabled.
New Blog Features Available – Blog meta content, comments, moderation and subscription
Posted on March 26, 2013Categories Features1) Blog Meta Fields Functionality is now available to define meta tags for blog entries, ie meta title, meta keywords and meta description. If the meta title is left blank the blog title will be used instead. If the meta keywords are left blank the keywords for the main blog page will be used instead. If the meta description is left blank the first 150 characters of the blog post will be used. To define the meta tags for a … Continue reading “New Blog Features Available – Blog meta content, comments, moderation and subscription”
Protected Department Feature Upgrade
Posted on March 20, 2013Categories Features, NoticesPlease note the protected department feature upgrade/change shown below. Items which are in protected departments will no longer be displayed on the home/search pages if the shopper who is logged in does not have access to the associated protected department. If the shopper is not logged in then all items will be shown as before. When the shopper clicks on the item they would be asked to log in if it is in a protected department. This change affects only … Continue reading “Protected Department Feature Upgrade”
FTP SSH Available
Posted on March 19, 2013Categories Important ChangesThe SFTP/SSH method of securely connecting to FTP described in our previous blog post is now available for use. If you prefer to use this method of connction instead of FTPS you may connect using port 22. The SFTP/SSH method of uploading files is generally slower then FTPS and should be used only if you cannot use FTPS on port 990. Please remember that we will be turning off support for regular FTP on port 21 effective this coming Monday March 25th.