The following blog post applies to users who are receiving a Connection Timeout and/or Connection Refused message when trying to connect to FTP using implicit TLS security via port 990. The error messages above indicate that your connection is being blocked by a router or computer firewall. Please note that in order to connect you should ensure that your computer firewall is setup with an exception for your ftp software and/or that you have enabled access to ports 990 and … Continue reading “FTP SSH Option”
FTP Username change implemented
Posted on March 7, 2013Categories Important ChangesPer our previous blog post, the following FTP change is now implemented… FTP Username Change All FTP logins are now modified to use store ids instead of the old user name. The remaining FTP changes announced at the previous blog post will be required starting March 25th. We recommend upgrading your FTP setup as soon as possible along with the login change and not waiting until March 25th. The March 25th changes will include: FTP Password Strength If your FTP Password does not … Continue reading “FTP Username change implemented”
Important FTP Server Changes
Posted on March 6, 2013Categories Important Changes 2 Comments on Important FTP Server ChangesPlease note the following important changes coming for the StoreSecured FTP Server. FTP Username change – effective March 8th FTP usernames for all stores will be changed to use the store id for the username. FTP Passwords will remain the unchanged (please see the note below about password strength). Only secure connections allowed – effective March 25th All users will be required to connect to the FTP server using a FTP client that supports FTPS or SFTP connections, ie port … Continue reading “Important FTP Server Changes”
New Features Available – Special offers, user defined fields and new warnings
Posted on February 20, 2013Categories Features1) Special Offers Default Functionality is now available for merchants to change the default value for the special offers check box to on or off depending on your store preference. To change the default please visit General–>Login Settings and refer to the setting Special Offers Default. 2) User Defined Fields Display Functionality is now available for merchants to change the default display for user defined fields. User defined fields were previously always displayed in a single row on top … Continue reading “New Features Available – Special offers, user defined fields and new warnings”
PayPal Site Issues
Posted on January 28, 2013Categories Third Party NoticesPayPal is currently experiencing problems with their instant payment notification service. This is the service which tells websites such as us that an order has been completed successfully and paid. Without these notifications the order status is unknown and the order will sit in the abandoned status. PayPal is posting status updates regarding this issue at the following url: According to PayPal the issue began January 27th at approximately 11:00pm PST and is still occurring. They have indicated that … Continue reading “PayPal Site Issues”
Mail Server Secure Connections
Posted on January 28, 2013Categories FeaturesThe StoreSecured mail server now supports secure connections via POP, SMTP, IMAP and Web. To connect via a secure connection please use the following ports: SMTP =465 POP=995 IMAP=993 WEB=443, ie https:// Encryption Type=SSL An alternative method of connecting securely is to use TLS with the normal connection ports, ie SMTP =25 POP=110 IMAP=143 WEB=80, ie http:// Encryption Type=TLS All other settings remain the same. Secure connections can be used if you are transferring sensitive data via email. … Continue reading “Mail Server Secure Connections”
New Features Available – Shipping and Customized Receipt
Posted on January 9, 2013Categories Features1) Customize Store Side Receipts & Cart Functionality is now available to customize several different views of the cart and receipt. Choose which columns to display as part of the shopping cart view, order preview and customer receipt. Columns can be shown or hidden from Design–>Customize Invoice. Please note that some columns are only shown if there is data in them, for instance attribute sku, promotions, back orders etc. 2) Order Shipping Import Functionality is now available to import … Continue reading “New Features Available – Shipping and Customized Receipt”
FedEx Realtime Rate Changes
Posted on January 6, 2013Categories Important ChangesThe DLL used to communicate with FedEx has been updated to support the latest changes for real time rates. Please note that with this new DLL change FedEx is returning different names for the different services, for instance … New Names First Overnight, Priority Overnight, Standard Overnight, 2 Day AM, 2 Day, Express Saver, Ground Home Delivery Old Names FIRSTOVERNIGHT, PRIORITYOVERNIGHT, STANDARDOVERNIGHT, FEDEX2DAY, FEDEXEXPRESSSAVER, GROUNDHOMEDELIVERY For users who are using FedEx realtime rates and excluding certain rates based on their … Continue reading “FedEx Realtime Rate Changes”
Christmas Holiday Support Hours
Posted on December 13, 2012Categories NoticesPlease note the following special support hours for the Christmas holiday. Regular support hours apply until Thu 12/20 Fri 12/21 : Live chat 7am-3pm Mon 12/24 – Tue 12/25 : Chat Closed Wed 12/26 – Fri 12/28 : Live chat 7am-3pm Mon 12/31 – Tue 1/1 : Live chat 7am-3pm Regular support hours resume Wed 1/2
Firefox 17 Problems Resolved
Posted on November 29, 2012Categories NoticesThe issues previously reported with Firefox version 17 have been resolved. All functionality should now be working in Firefox version 17 for the admin area. If anyone is using Firefox 17 and having any issues at this time please let us know via support request.