New Feature: Mobile Menu

Posted on April 28, 2015Categories Features

We now support the ability to choose define a mobile only menu for your stores mobile display. Choose the colors for your menu along with the pages, departments and/or items to link to from the mobile menu. To configure your mobile menu visit: Design–>Mobile Site Settings First make sure that the mobile version is enabled. Next check the box labelled Show Popup Menu Choose the departments, items and pages to include in the menu in the same manner as is … Continue reading “New Feature: Mobile Menu”

New Features

Posted on March 18, 2015Categories Features

We have added support for several new features, please see below for all of the details. Rewards Added the ability to choose how rewards are accumulated and redeemed. For instance rewards should be calculated using subtotal, ie no shipping and taxes included when calculating the amount, or grand total, shipping and taxes are included when calculating the amount. New settings are found under General–>Checkout Settings Item Search Added the ability to choose how the item search works, either a strict … Continue reading “New Features”

New Feature: Choose template per page

Posted on February 27, 2015Categories Features

We now support the ability to choose different templates on different pages in addition to the ability to choose a default template for the entire store. To apply a different template to a particular page go to the page edit screen, ie Design–>Pages–>View/Edit Choose the edit link for the page to change Under the Use Template field choose the template to apply for that page. The default selection is the active template Select Save to save your changes The page … Continue reading “New Feature: Choose template per page”

Holiday Live Chat Closures

Posted on December 23, 2014Categories Notices

Live chat and phone support will be closed from December 24-January 2nd so that our employees can spend time with their families. Email and support tickets will be available as normal. If you have any questions over the holiday period please send an email to or use the support portal to submit your request. Regular chat support will resume on Monday January 5th. Happy Holidays from our families to yours.

Rackspace Intermittent DNS Issues

Posted on December 22, 2014Categories Notices

Rackspace is experiencing intermittent DNS connectivity issues. They are currently working to resolve the issue. This is causing some DNS lookups to fail which results in what looks like a site down error. Here is a link to the Rackspace status update page: In the meantime if you are experiencing an issue with connecting to any of the sites wait a few minutes and then try to refresh the page and this should correct the issue. Updated 10:56am Rackspace … Continue reading “Rackspace Intermittent DNS Issues”

New Feature: Switch between editor versions

Posted on December 8, 2014Categories Features

Several of our merchants have requested the ability to go back to the old html editor. It is now possible to switch back to the old editor for those who wish to use it. To switch back to using the old editor Go to General–>Other Settings Under Editor Version Choose the radio button for the Old Editor Select Save Changes All pages for your store editor will now use the old editor instead of the new editor. Please note that … Continue reading “New Feature: Switch between editor versions”

New Feature: Support for Rich Pins by Pinterest

Posted on November 21, 2014Categories Features

Pinterest has added a new feature called Rich Pins which StoreSecured now supports. Rich Pins add extra details to Pins from your website. Product Pins let you show the price, stock status and product description on Pins from your website. To enable rich pins for your website you must first apply for it from Pinterest at To reach more about Rich Pins click here

BluePay Security Certificate Issue

Posted on November 16, 2014Categories Notices

This notice is for merchants who use the BluePay payment gateway. This weekend Bluepay was experiencing security certificate errors. Each time StoreSecured tried to connect to Bluepay to process credit cards we were met with a error stating that the “certificate authority is invalid”. This error means that there is a trust issue with the Bluepay security certificate. After verifying that the Bluepay site was still up and properly functioning and had a valid ssl certificate handling was added to … Continue reading “BluePay Security Certificate Issue”

Google Merchant Review Feeds Now Available

Posted on November 11, 2014Categories Features

StoreSecured now supports sending customer reviews to Google Shopping. This is a new feature of Google Shopping which you must sign up for through your Google account. To enable Google Merchant Reviews… Go to Marketing–>Shopping Feeds Under the Google Merchant Center Tab Select the check box labelled Enable Item Reviews Feed The feed will be created within 24 hours Google will ask some questions about your review feed when you sign up for their service. Update Frequency – weekly XML … Continue reading “Google Merchant Review Feeds Now Available”