Poodle Information

Posted on October 29, 2014Categories Features

Yesterday sent out an email to all merchants and partners indicating that a change will be made on November 4th to no longer support SSL3.  Many of our merchants have contacted us with questions/concerns etc about this and to make sure that they will be ok.   Please note that we are aware of the upcoming changes.  The POODLE attack patches have already been placed onto our servers.  We will also be completely disabling SSL3 this weekend just like … Continue reading “ Poodle Information”

Express Checkout Item feature now available

Posted on October 9, 2014Categories Features

Express Checkout functionality was previously available only at the department level (blog post at  Now Express Checkout is also available at the individual item level as well.  Express Checkout functionality allows a shopper to order many variations of an item while just hitting the add to cart button once. Item variations are listed and a quantity box is shown next to each item. There is only one add to cart button at the bottom of the item listing for … Continue reading “Express Checkout Item feature now available” experiencing issues

Posted on October 8, 2014Categories Third Party Notices

Updated 5:00pm As of 4:00pm has resolved their issue and we are no longer seeing errors reported for transactions.  Please double check your transactions from from between 2:18pm-4:00pm. Original Post We are currently experiencing issues with transactions.  All transactions sent to are being returned with an error message stating that the data is not yet ready.   We expect this issue will be resolved shortly by and transactions will resume as normal.  There is nothing that … Continue reading “ experiencing issues”

New Feature: Newsletter Email Bounce Handling

Posted on September 8, 2014Categories Features

All stores now include a feature to track when mass newsletter emails are not sent due to a bounced email.  A bounced email is one which there is a permanent delivery failure, ie usually due to an invalid email address.  If a newsletter email bounces with a permanent failure the email will now be marked as bounced. This Includes: Bounced email addresses can be searched for on both the Newsletter Subscribers and Customers screens On the edit screen it will show the … Continue reading “New Feature: Newsletter Email Bounce Handling”

Scheduled Maintenance 9/1 8:30pm-9:30pm PDT

Posted on August 29, 2014Categories Scheduled Maintenance Notices

Scheduled maintenance period Monday 9/1 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm PDT for server operating system updates.   During the maintenance window there will be expected downtime of between 5 – 15 minutes for each service.  We expect each service, ie mail, stores, admin, ftp etc to go through a brief outage period of approximately 5 mins while the server restarts and after which service will be restored.

Amazon Checkout Integration Added

Posted on August 28, 2014Categories Features

Several merchants have asked for it and now StoreSecured now supports Amazon checkout. To enable Amazon checkout in your store Go to General–>Payments–>Gateway Check the box to Enable Amazon Checkout, follow the instructions link to signup for an Amazon account and enter your account details.   Note: Amazon Checkout is an alternate payment method.  If enabled a button appears on the view cart page for customers to complete checkout.

Admin Server Issue 5:00am – 5:13am

Posted on August 26, 2014Categories Notices

We are currently experiencing an issue with our manage server, ie   We are aware of the issue and actively working to resolve it.  We expect resolution in approximately 15 mins.   All email and stores are operating as normal.   Update: 5:13am The issue has been resolved and the manage server is working as normal.

Mail server status — updated 7:10pm

Posted on August 14, 2014Categories Notices

The email server is currently down and we are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.   The email service went down at approximately 6:00 am PST.  Please note that emails sent while the server is down will NOT be lost, they will be delivered once the mail server is back up.   We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible but do not currently have an ETA on when it will be back up.  We … Continue reading “Mail server status — updated 7:10pm” Issue Resolved

Posted on July 22, 2014Categories Notices

Updated 10:40 am made some changes last night which were causing invalid certificate errors on transaction calls.  The issue has been resolved and transactions are now processing as normal. ==================================== Original Post As of midnight Tuesday July 22nd, StoreSecured is experiencing errors on all transactions.  The error message states that our certificate is expired or invalid.  All of our certificates are valid and none have expired, recently expired or are soon to be expired.  We are investigating … Continue reading “ Issue Resolved”

Scheduled Maintenance 5/17 7:30pm

Posted on May 15, 2014Categories Scheduled Maintenance Notices

Scheduled maintenance period Saturday 5/17 7:30pm-8:30pm PST for server hardware upgrades.   During the maintenance window there will be expected downtime of between 15 minutes – 30 minutes during which the mail, ftp and manage sections of the admin interface will NOT be accessible.  All services except email will be restored after the initial 15-30 minute downtime.  The email maintenance will take 15-30 additional minutes to complete during which email will be unavailable.  All emails will be queued and delivered when email service is restored.   … Continue reading “Scheduled Maintenance 5/17 7:30pm”