All stores now include the ability to restrict admin login by IP or range of IPs. This feature is useful for store admins who want to restrict employees from logging in outside of the office location. To restrict the login for a particular login please visit My Account–>Admin Logins–>View/Edit Click on the Edit link for the login to restrict In the area labelled Login Access choose the radio button to restrict the login by IP or IP range Enter the … Continue reading “New Feature: Restrict Login by IP”
New Credit Card Acceptance Option
Posted on February 20, 2014Categories FeaturesStoreSecured is pleased to announce that we are now able to provide a new credit card acceptance option to all merchants. StoreSecured is now integrated with the Braintree payment gateway which offers easy to understand processing rates, no monthly fee, easy online application and more. Braintree’s processing rates are 2.9% + $.30 per transaction (same as Paypal) There are no monthly fees, no monthly minimums Unlike Paypal the user never leaves your site to pay which looks more professional Braintree … Continue reading “New Credit Card Acceptance Option”
Scheduled Maintenance Tonight 2/17 9:00pm Admin Area
Posted on February 17, 2014Categories Scheduled Maintenance NoticesScheduled maintenance tonight 2/17 9:00pm PST. The admin server will be rebooted and there will be a short maintenance window tonight. This must be done ASAP to resolve the admin downtime issue experienced earlier today. The admin site is currently running but to fully resolve the issue and ensure it does not happen again we will be performing a series of reboots during the maintenance period. During the reboots both the store admin area and the email server will … Continue reading “Scheduled Maintenance Tonight 2/17 9:00pm Admin Area”
Store Admin Down
Posted on February 17, 2014Categories NoticesAs of 4:25pm PST the store admin area is not working. A security error is shown in place of the normal screen. We are actively working to get the issue resolved and expect a resolution within the next 15-30 minutes maximum as we work with our hosting company to restore access. Sorry for the inconvenience, we are aware of the problem and working on a resolution shortly. All stores and other services are working as normal. 4:59pm Still working with … Continue reading “Store Admin Down”
Scheduled Maintenance 1/11 9:30pm PST
Posted on January 10, 2014Categories Scheduled Maintenance NoticesStoreSecured will be performing a firmware update on the firewall 1/11 at approximately 9:30pm PST. The downtime will last approximately 5-15 minutes and all stores, email and the admin interface will be temporarily unavailable. Note this is a correction to the original notice. The original notice said that maintenance would be done on 1/10 which was incorrect. During the maintenance All stores, email and the admin interface will be unavailable. We expect the maintenance to be very quick and … Continue reading “Scheduled Maintenance 1/11 9:30pm PST”
Holiday Support Schedule
Posted on December 16, 2013Categories NoticesPlease note the following special support hours for the Christmas holiday. Regular live chat hours till Friday 12/20 Mon 12/23 – Wed 1/1 : Live Chat Closed Email/ticket support will continue to be available throughout the holiday period. Regular live chat hours resume Thur 1/2 Happy Holidays from the StoreSecured team!
Unscheduled downtime #2
Posted on December 1, 2013Categories Notices3:23pm All services are currently not accessible and we are working with RackSpace to remedy the situation. At this time RackSpace believes it to be a DDOS attack on one of our customers. They are working to try and isolate which area the attack is occurring and to remedy the situation. 3:45 pm We have determined that it was a DDOS attack both last night and today that brought down the network. The store which is under attack has been … Continue reading “Unscheduled downtime #2”
Unscheduled downtime
Posted on November 30, 2013Categories NoticesBetween approximately 10 and 11 PM pacific time, Saturday night all StoreSecured services were unreachable. This included email, ftp, manage and all stores. We are still gathering information about what happened from our hosting provider but so far what we have found out is that it was a problem with the firewall. The firewall has been power cycled and put back online and all services are now running as normal. We are continuing to investigate this issue with our … Continue reading “Unscheduled downtime”
Scheduled Maintenance 11/9 10:30pm PST
Posted on November 9, 2013Categories Scheduled Maintenance NoticesStoreSecured will be performing the final hardware upgrade before the holiday season tonight 11/9 at approximately 10:30pm PST. The downtime will last approximately 15-30 minutes and all stores and the admin interface will show a maintenance message. During the maintenance All stores and the admin interface will show a maintenance message for approximately 15-30 minutes. Email and FTP will work as normal. All stores will be put back online promptly as soon as the maintenance is completed. Why is … Continue reading “Scheduled Maintenance 11/9 10:30pm PST”
Bandwidth limits doubled for all merchants
Posted on November 4, 2013Categories Important ChangesHo Ho, Merry Christmas, Santa has come early this year. Just in time for the busy holiday shopping season we have negotiated a new deal with our hosting provider to offer additional bandwidth for all of our merchants. The new plan limits will take effect for the November billing cycle which is billed at the beginning of December. Old Bandwidth 16 GB New Bandwidth 32 GB Legacy merchants, please visit the plan limits for legacy merchants help page for information … Continue reading “Bandwidth limits doubled for all merchants”