4 new imports/exports have been added: Attribute Import/Export Allows the import of attributes for all items with the ability to set any criteria that you can set from the attribute edit screen. Also includes the export of all attributes. Item Quantity Update Import Item Attribute Quantity Update Import Item Attribute Intersection Quantity Update Import The quantity update imports allow the merchant to change the existing quantity in stock by adding or removing items. This is helpful in cases where you … Continue reading “New Imports Added for Item Quantity and Attributes”
Order Details Page Enhancements
Posted on February 10, 2010Categories FeaturesThe following enhancements were recently added to the order details page for store admins: Added the ability to click on the customer id on the order details page to go directly to the customer edit screen Added the ability to click on the customers shipping email to compose an email Added search orders by item name and item sku
New Feature for Shipping
Posted on February 9, 2010Categories FeaturesShipping can now be calculated based on the number of items in the order. For example $5 per item. Customer orders 4 items at $5 per item for shipping. Total shipping cost would be 4 items x $5 = $20. In addition we have added the ability to add rules based on the number of items. For example 0-5 items shipping cost is $10, 6-10 items shipping cost is $15 and so on. All other rules and fees for shipping … Continue reading “New Feature for Shipping”
Added New Edit Screen for Attribute Intersection Quantity
Posted on January 28, 2010Categories FeaturesThere is now a new way to edit the quantity in stock for your Attribute Intersection Quantities. Previously the only way to change the quantity in stock was via an import, you can now edit these quantities via an Edit screen. To access this feature visit Inventory–>Items–>Attribute Intersection–>View/Edit. For more details on the Attribute Intersection Quantity and what it is and how it works please visit the following link Important Notes: Adding new intersection quantities can still only be done … Continue reading “Added New Edit Screen for Attribute Intersection Quantity”
Using the new Search
Posted on December 10, 2009Categories Features, Important Changes Leave a comment on Using the new SearchTo activate the search go to the view/edit screen and click on the Search link at the top right side of the page as shown in figure 1 below. Figure 1 When you click on the Search link a search area will appear. Figure 2 shows the search screen. Figure 2 The search box is customized for each screen and will show a dropdown menu with all of the different fields that you can search on. Select the field to … Continue reading “Using the new Search”
Email SPF and Domain Keys Added
Posted on December 7, 2009Categories FeaturesStoreSecured has added additional sending security for all merchants using the StoreSecured mail server which will enhance the deliverability of your emails. This additional security is added in the form of SPF records and domain keys for all currently hosted domains. What is SPF? SPF allows e-mail administrators the ability to specify which Internet hosts are allowed to send e-mail claiming to originate from that domain. In other words we can tell other mail servers who should be allowed to … Continue reading “Email SPF and Domain Keys Added”
User Defined Fields
Posted on November 23, 2009Categories Features, Important Changes Leave a comment on User Defined FieldsUser defined fields are used for questions that don’t have a predefined list of choices but require customer input. For example user defined fields can be used to ask the customer for a name to be used for personalization of an item, date of birth etc. The user defined field name is shown to the customer above the textbox where the user can enter their information. This is used to explain what the customer should enter into the field. Enter … Continue reading “User Defined Fields”
Using Settings to show/hide fields
Posted on November 20, 2009Categories Features, Important Changes Leave a comment on Using Settings to show/hide fieldsSeveral pages have a settings link at the top right as indicated in the Figure 1. The Settings link can be used to enable/disable various fields on the add/edit screen depending on your personal usage. You can enable the fields you regularly use and disable those that you do not use. This is normally a one-time action where you setup the page to show those fields that you will be using or hide those fields that you will not be … Continue reading “Using Settings to show/hide fields”
Attribute Quantity in Stock
Posted on November 17, 2009Categories Features, Important ChangesIn addition to the attribute changes described yesterday for tracking stock on the intersection of attributes we have also added support for keeping track of the quantity in stock for a single attribute. The attribute in stock is managed from the attribute edit screen. Please see the figure below with the quantity field highlighted. Please note the following important points for this feature: Leave the field blank if you do not wish to track stock for this attribute, this is … Continue reading “Attribute Quantity in Stock”
New Feature for Attributes
Posted on November 16, 2009Categories Features 2 Comments on New Feature for AttributesWe have added an exciting new feature for merchants who want to track their inventory in stock for items with multiple attributes. For instance lets say you sold t-shirts and you have 3 sizes, Small, Medium and Large and 3 colors, Red, Blue and Green. You have only 1 of each color and size combination and you dont want to sell more then you have. Up until now you could not use the store to keep track of the fact … Continue reading “New Feature for Attributes”