Important Changes – Blog Summary and Abandoned Purchase Email

Posted on May 22, 2013Categories Important Changes

Blog Summary Changes The blog summary handling has been modified to include a separate summary field.  Merchants can now define a special blog summary which will be shown on the main blog page instead of the full blog post.  This replaces the previous handling where we were automatically cutting down the full blog post to 500 characters.  Automatically cutting the blog post was creating problems with invalid html on many blog posts due to html throughout the posts and tags … Continue reading “Important Changes – Blog Summary and Abandoned Purchase Email”

Email Password Strength

Posted on April 24, 2013Categories Important Changes

Recently we have been visited by spammers who were able to send spam through a few of our merchants email accounts.  The email accounts which were compromised had easy to guess simple passwords.  These attacks have affected our reputation as an email provider which in turn affects the deliverability of messages sent from our server.  It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that your email inbox’s have strong passwords to prevent these types of attacks from happening.  Our staff is working … Continue reading “Email Password Strength”

FTP Enable/Disable

Posted on March 28, 2013Categories Important Changes

Per our previous blog post regarding the important FTP changes, if your FTP password does not meet the password strength requirements your FTP access been disabled.  If your FTP account was disabled it can be re-enabled by updating your FTP password from My Account–>Change FTP Password and then enabling FTP from General–>FTP. If you do NOT use FTP we recommend keeping it disabled.

FTP SSH Available

Posted on March 19, 2013Categories Important Changes

The SFTP/SSH method of securely connecting to FTP described in our previous blog post is now available for use.  If you prefer to use this method of connction instead of FTPS you may connect using port 22.  The SFTP/SSH method of uploading files is generally slower then FTPS and should be used only if you cannot use FTPS on port 990. Please remember that we will be turning off support for regular FTP on port 21 effective this coming Monday March 25th.  

FTP SSH Option

Posted on March 11, 2013Categories Important Changes 1 Comment on FTP SSH Option

The following blog post applies to users who are receiving a Connection Timeout and/or Connection Refused message when trying to connect to FTP using implicit TLS security via port 990. The error messages above indicate that your connection is being blocked by a router or computer firewall.  Please note that in order to connect you should ensure that your computer firewall is setup with an exception for your ftp software and/or that you have enabled access to ports 990 and … Continue reading “FTP SSH Option”

FTP Username change implemented

Posted on March 7, 2013Categories Important Changes

Per our previous blog post, the following FTP change is now implemented… FTP Username Change All FTP logins are now modified to use store ids instead of the old user name. The remaining FTP changes announced at the previous blog post will be required starting March 25th.  We recommend upgrading your FTP setup as soon as possible along with the login change and not waiting until March 25th. The March 25th changes will include: FTP Password Strength If your FTP Password does not … Continue reading “FTP Username change implemented”

Important FTP Server Changes

Posted on March 6, 2013Categories Important Changes 2 Comments on Important FTP Server Changes

Please note the following important changes coming for the StoreSecured FTP Server. FTP Username change – effective March 8th FTP usernames for all stores will be changed to use the store id for the username.  FTP Passwords will remain the unchanged (please see the note below about password strength). Only secure connections allowed – effective March 25th All users will be required to connect to the FTP server using a FTP client that supports FTPS or SFTP connections, ie port … Continue reading “Important FTP Server Changes”

FedEx Realtime Rate Changes

Posted on January 6, 2013Categories Important ChangesTags ,

The DLL used to communicate with FedEx has been updated to support the latest changes for real time rates.  Please note that with this new DLL change FedEx is returning different names for the different services, for instance … New Names First Overnight, Priority Overnight, Standard Overnight, 2 Day AM, 2 Day, Express Saver, Ground Home Delivery Old Names FIRSTOVERNIGHT, PRIORITYOVERNIGHT, STANDARDOVERNIGHT, FEDEX2DAY, FEDEXEXPRESSSAVER, GROUNDHOMEDELIVERY For users who are using FedEx realtime rates and excluding certain rates based on their … Continue reading “FedEx Realtime Rate Changes”

New Features Available — Important Attribute Stock Qty Changes

Posted on October 8, 2012Categories Features, Important Changes

1) Attribute Inventory Update (**IMPORTANT**) Items with attributes will now have their main quantity automatically updated based on the quantity total of the attributes and/or attribute intersections.  For example if you have a t-shirt with both colors and sizes and you are keeping track of the colors and/or sizes we will automatically update the total number of t-shirts based on the attribute quantity. Attribute Example Main Item T-Shirt Colors: Red (3), Blue (4) Size: Small (2), Medium (2), Large (3) … Continue reading “New Features Available — Important Attribute Stock Qty Changes”

One Step Checkout Beta Available

Posted on August 14, 2012Categories Features, Important Changes

We are happy to announce that the long awaited one step checkout functionality is now available for beta use. To enable one step checkout visit General–>Checkout Settings Check the box labeled Enable One Step Checkout If the check box is grayed out it will tell you why you are unable to use this functionality and how to correct it.  Please note that there are several conditions that must be satisfied currently in order to use this new functionality: The store … Continue reading “One Step Checkout Beta Available”