QuickBooks Export Important Update

Posted on November 19, 2009Categories Important ChangesTags ,

The following notice relates to customers who are currently using the quickbooks export.  If you are not using the QuickBooks export functionality you can disregard it. For customers who are using the Quickbooks export it has been updated.  Please download the latest bin.zip file by clicking here Once it is downloaded please extract it to your c:\bin directory This will overwrite the old files StoreSecured used for export.  This update is required to continue to use the QuickBooks export.  Your … Continue reading “QuickBooks Export Important Update”

Attribute Quantity in Stock

Posted on November 17, 2009Categories Features, Important ChangesTags ,

In addition to the attribute changes described yesterday for tracking stock on the intersection of attributes we have also added support for keeping track of the quantity in stock for a single attribute.  The attribute in stock is managed from the attribute edit screen. Please see the figure below with the quantity field highlighted. Please note the following important points for this feature: Leave the field blank if you do not wish to track stock for this attribute, this is … Continue reading “Attribute Quantity in Stock”

New Item Pages Available

Posted on November 12, 2009Categories Important Changes

We are excited to announce several enhancements to the viewing, editing and importing/exporting of items. These enhancements are available to merchants to use now. We will temporarily be allowing edits from either the old or new pages to ensure a smooth transition. These updates can be accessed from Inventory–>Items–>New Item Pages Please view a description of the updates below. Enhanced Item Import & Export New specifications   The specifications for the import and export are modified slightly from the old … Continue reading “New Item Pages Available”

Email Server Upgraded

Posted on September 28, 2009Categories Important Changes

The email server has been upgraded from SmarterMail 5.5 to  SmarterMail version 6.1 Upon your next login to webmail you will be asked what type of reporting you want.  Select standard to keep it as is, or choose Silverlight to use the newest reporting functionality. For a full listing of the differences in the old and new webmail please visit: http://www.smartertools.com/SmarterMail/WhyUpgrade.aspx

List Views Enhanced

Posted on August 29, 2009Categories Features, Important Changes

The following pages have been updated to include the following enhancements Pages: -Design > Links > View Edit -Design > Pages > View Edit -General > Taxes > View Edit -Shipping > Locations > View Edit -Shipping > Methods > View Edit -My Account > Admin Logins > View Edit -My Account > Block IPs > View Edit -General > Domain > View Edit -Marketing > Banners > View Edit -Marketing > Affiliate > Banners > View Edit Enhancements – … Continue reading “List Views Enhanced”

Image Manager Updated

Posted on August 21, 2009Categories Features, Important Changes

Design–>Files/Images is now Design–>File Manager. The page has been expanded and upgraded to allow for more functionality and easier viewing of more files. New functionality includes: Ability to choose which folders and/or files to make thumbnails for Ability to move multiple files from one directory to another Uploading of multiple files at a time as many as you wish Ability to delete multiple files or folders at once

Departments page updated

Posted on August 12, 2009Categories Features, Important Changes

Please note that a new department management page has been added to the store admin.  The new page has the following enhancements: Department import and export data format updated. Import can now be scheduled for a later date or to occur at a regular interval for easy automatic updating. Import can now be done from a url or by uploading a file. Imports can now be done with only the required fields, all optional fields are not required to be … Continue reading “Departments page updated”

Statistics URL Changed

Posted on June 1, 2009Categories Important Changes

Please note that the statistics url for some sites has changed.  In order to make this consistant for everyone we will now be using your secure url path for the statistics report.  If old URL may have looked something like http://mysitename.easystorecreator.com/logs/stats.pl, and your new url will look like http://mysitename.storesecured.com/logs/stats.pl, note the difference is the .storesecured.com versus .easystorecreator.com in the url path. All links from the store manager to the statistics pages have been updated.  However if you have bookmarked the … Continue reading “Statistics URL Changed”

Bandwidth Limits Increased

Posted on May 5, 2009Categories Important Changes

StoreSecured has negotatiated reduced bandwidth rates from our webhost and we are now able to pass those savings onto our customers. The amount of bandwidth included for free with all store packages has been doubled. Overage fees are reduced as follows: Old Bandwidth Subscription Fee: $15 for 5GB Old Bandwidth Overage Fee:  $5 per GB ========================================== New Bandwidth Subscription Fee: $10 for 5GB New Bandwidth Overage Fee: $3 per GB If you wish to change your bandwidth subscription based on … Continue reading “Bandwidth Limits Increased”