USPS Service Restored USPS real-time rate service has now been restored. All stores are now upgraded and using the latest USPS real-time rate server. We thank you for your patience while we worked to quickly get this fixed. No action is required on your part to receive this update. FedEx Service Discontinues Old API Per our earlier blog post from 1/27, FedEx has now discontinued their support for earlier versions of their API. If you are using FedEx real-time rates … Continue reading “USPS Real-time Rates Restored & FedEx Real-time Notice”
Important USPS Real-time Shipping Errors – Action Required
Posted on April 1, 2012Categories NoticesImportant if you are using USPS real-time rates this issue affects you please read below: As of Sunday April 1st 9:15am PST, all customers using USPS real-time rates are not receiving USPS shipping rates. Please note that we are receiving the following error: USPS:API Disabled: Rate. This API has been retired. Please use RateV4. If you are using ONLY USPS rates and you do not have backup rates or any other type of real-time shipping enabled please do so immediately. Having a … Continue reading “Important USPS Real-time Shipping Errors – Action Required”
FedEx Upgrade Completed — Action Required
Posted on January 27, 2012Categories Important Changes, Notices 1 Comment on FedEx Upgrade Completed — Action RequiredThe FedEx upgrade has been successfully completed. Action Required There are now 2 new FedEx fields in the StoreSecured FedEx setup which are required to be entered in order to use the upgraded version: FedEx Production Key and FedEx Password. Until you enter this information your store will continue to use the old FedEx services. Important Note FedEx will begin removing support for the old FedEx web services tools in March. If you are using FedEx realtime rates … Continue reading “FedEx Upgrade Completed — Action Required”
FedEx Upgrade Friday
Posted on January 26, 2012Categories NoticesThe FedEx upgrade that could not be completed last weekend has been rescheduled for tomorrow, friday the 27th at 10pm Pacific time. There will be no downtime associated with this upgrade, it is only an upgrade to the way that FedEx rates are retrieved.
Maintenance Completed – FedEx NOT updated
Posted on January 21, 2012Categories NoticesThe scheduled upgrades to the server hardware and firewall were completed as scheduled. Important FedEx web services were in maintenance mode and unreachable at the same time we were trying to update and thus we were NOT able to complete the scheduled FedEx upgrades since testing cannot be done while FedEx is not available. We will reschedule the FedEx upgrade at a later time.
Scheduled Maintenance Saturday 1/21, Important FedEx Upgrade
Posted on January 19, 2012Categories NoticesWe will be performing scheduled maintenance this Saturday 1/21 at approximately 10pm PST. What is being upgraded? This is mostly a server hardware upgrade. We are adding memory to all of the servers and upgrading the firmware on the firewall. We are also installing a new version of software to talk to the FedEx servers for real-time quotes. Please see below for important FedEx information. How long will the maintenance last? The admin interface and ftp will be … Continue reading “Scheduled Maintenance Saturday 1/21, Important FedEx Upgrade”
Status Update 1/13
Posted on January 13, 2012Categories NoticesAll services are running as normal today with a little bit of slowness due to extra measures put in place for extra monitoring of the health of the servers and network. We are continuing to closely monitor the situation to ensure smooth operation. I would like to personally apologize again for yesterday, I know it was a bad day for everyone involved. Something like that has never happened to us before and we are working to ensure that it never … Continue reading “Status Update 1/13”
Service Restored
Posted on January 12, 2012Categories NoticesUpdate 10:35pm Service has been restored to all sites as of 10:30pm. We are currently monitoring the servers very closely and are prepared to move sites if further downtime occurs and a change is necessary. We also have some good leads regarding which actual sites were being attacked and those sites have been temporarily isolated.
Updated Site Status
Posted on January 12, 2012Categories NoticesSome merchants have come onto live chat with questions about sites possibly being back up, ie orders appearing all of the sudden even though their site is down. Please note that we have started updating the IP’s for some merchant websites to new locations. In most cases these IP updates will take at least 24 hours to propagate throughout the internet but a small percentage of visitors may start to be able to access your site immediately and you may start to … Continue reading “Updated Site Status”
DNS Changes
Posted on January 12, 2012Categories NoticesThe following notice is to merchants who manage their own DNS. In preparation for possible site moves tonight due to the denial of service attacks. Please update the TTL on your DNS record to be as low as possible, ie usually 300. If we manage your DNS, do not worry about this, its already done. Not sure? If you don’t know if we manage your DNS or not, do a whois lookup on your domain name and look at the … Continue reading “DNS Changes”