Update 11:36am I just spoke to Rackspace again to see how the situation is coming and I was given some bad news. They said they will NOT flip the switch again to even try to route traffic to us until midnight tonight. This means all sites will be down until at least midnight. They said incoming traffic was coming in at the rate of 4GB per second. To put that into perspective our normal incoming traffic for a single day … Continue reading “Denial of Service Attack Update 1/12”
Denial of Service Attack Update 1/11
Posted on January 11, 2012Categories NoticesIf you missed the post from yesterday, please note that StoreSecured is experiencing a denial of service attack since approximately 11:00am yesterday 1/10 and we have been working to combat it and keep all sites running properly. I’m adding this post to keep all merchants updated on today’s status of the attack. Currently, we are still experiencing the attack but the measures put in place yesterday to mitigate it are helping and all sites are continuing to operate just running … Continue reading “Denial of Service Attack Update 1/11”
Site Slowness 1/10
Posted on January 10, 2012Categories NoticesWe are currently experiencing some slower then normal site loading particularly with site images. All sites are still operational just not operating as quickly as normal. Technical support is working with our hosting provider Rackspace to determine the cause and to resolve it. Once I have further information I will update this request. Update 1:45 What we are experiencing is a denial of service attack. This is when hackers flood a networks with millions of requests in an effort to … Continue reading “Site Slowness 1/10”
Happy 2012
Posted on January 2, 2012Categories NoticesHope everyone had a wonderful end to 2011 and a great holiday. We are looking forward to another exciting year. From all of us at StoreSecured thanks for a wonderful year, we wish you all continued success.
Special Holiday Support Schedule
Posted on December 20, 2011Categories NoticesDue to normal support slowness starting just before the holidays we will be running live chat support on a revised holiday schedule. Live Chat Thu Dec 22nd 7am-3pm Fri Dec23rd 7am-3pm Mon Dec 26 – Fri Dec 30 11am-1pm Normal live chat schedule resumes Monday January 2nd. All times are PST Support requests will still be monitored regularly and all websites monitored as normal for uptime etc during this holiday period. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to … Continue reading “Special Holiday Support Schedule”
Google and Robots.txt
Posted on October 28, 2011Categories NoticesRecently we have started getting questions from current merchants about a new error relating to the Google Product Feed. The error states: The submitted image URLs seem to be blocked by robots.txt. Google will not be able to display these images together with the products. Please change your robots.txt file to allow Google to download the image. Please note that StoreSecured has always blocked all bots from crawling the images directory by default. It now appears that if you are … Continue reading “Google and Robots.txt”
Feedback tab temporarily removed
Posted on October 12, 2011Categories NoticesThe Feedback tab that you normally see on the left hand of your screen when managing your store has been temporarily removed. We are currently in the process of moving to a new feedback system and the tab will be put back shortly. In the meantime you can still access/change/manage your feedback by visiting my account–>feature requests–>feedback forum.
Item reviews functionality change effective tomorrow 10/7
Posted on October 6, 2011Categories Important Changes, NoticesThe item review functionality will be changed effective tomorrow to remove the stars from the standard small item layout that displays just the item name and picture. Several of our beta testers for the review functionality have indicated that this layout looks to busy with the stars included and therefore they will be removed. If you are not using the item review functionality, not using a standard layout or not using the small layout with just the item name … Continue reading “Item reviews functionality change effective tomorrow 10/7”
Google Merchant Center Feeds
Posted on October 6, 2011Categories Features, NoticesWe have received notice from a couple of our merchants that their google item feeds are now being rejected due to a missing required attribute in the feed. The missing attribute in question is the availability attribute. This is a new field that Google is apparently requiring for all merchant feeds. The StoreSecured staff is working to quickly add functionality to allow merchants to define the items availability status either manually or automatically for inclusion in your google feed however … Continue reading “Google Merchant Center Feeds”
Beta Testers needed for Item Reviews feature
Posted on September 13, 2011Categories Features, NoticesStoreSecured is looking for merchants who are interested in being beta testers for our new item reviews functionality. The item review functionality can be turned on from General–>Item Settings. Set the radio button for Item Reviews to be enabled. Once the item review functionality is enabled there are several other settings that can be customized for the reviews. Under General–>Login Settings you can choose whether a user is required to login to submit reviews or not. Under General–>Email Notifications … Continue reading “Beta Testers needed for Item Reviews feature”