Customer Import Spec Changes

Effective Thursday January 5th there will be a small update to the customer import format specification.  Currently the customer import does NOT match the customer export format exactly.  We will be updating the customer import to match exactly with the customer export format.

This change is being done to facilitate easier changes when changing via an exported customer file.

Note that all information up through the billing and shipping information columns is exactly the same as before.  The differences begin after the shipping email column.  Please see the table below to compare the old vs new customer import specification.  I have highlighted the first difference in red to make it more apparent where the differences start.

User IDUser ID
Billing last nameBilling last name
billing first namebilling first name
billing companybilling company
billing address1billing address1
billing address 2billing address 2
billing citybilling city
billing statebilling state
billing zipbilling zip
billing countrybilling country
billing phonebilling phone
billing faxbilling fax
billing emailbilling email
shipping Last Nameshipping Last Name
shipping first nameshipping first name
shipping companyshipping company
shipping address1shipping address1
shipping address 2shipping address 2
shipping cityshipping city
shipping stateshipping state
shipping zipshipping zip
shipping countryshipping country
shipping phoneshipping phone
shipping faxshipping fax
shipping emailshipping email
promotional emailssend newsletter
tax exempttax exempt
shipping sameprotected page access
protected page accessreward total
budget originalreward left
budget leftbudget total
reward totalbudget left
reward left