Customer Service

customer management

EasyStoreCreator provides several features to merchants for managing their customers such as newsletters, limiting access to certain pages, automated email notifications, online reports, live customer order tracking, saving mechanism of shopping carts, customer budgets and rewards and many more…

Newsletter Management

Automatically manage your newsletter subscriber signups and cancellations with no manual intervention required. Customers enter their information on your newsletter signup and are put into your list of subscribers. All newsletters which are sent out also include a way to unsubscribe so your customers can automatically remove their address from the list as well.

Online Customer Reports

View the details for each of your registered customers and search for customers by name, registration date, billing details and much more.

Limit Access To Certain Pages

Protect important pages and allow them only to be viewed by customers whom you designate. Each page/departments etc in your site can be protected and each customer is by default not allowed to view protected pages. You can turn on protected access for any customer who you want to view those pages.

Automated Email Notifications

Automatically receive emails when important events happen in your store such as orders being placed, customers registering etc. You can also configure automatic receipts for customers upon order completion as well as sending your customers a registration email, shipping email and more automatically at certain pre-defined points in the order process.

Live Customer Order Tracking

Tired of all those calls asking where is my order, when was it shipped, what is the tracking number? EasyStoreCreator can automatically answer all of these questions for you by providing the shopper with access to past order details including when the item was shipped, tracking details and links and any other relevant information.

Save Shopping Carts

Allow your customers to save their shopping cart for a later visit or even to send it to Aunt Emma and Uncle Harry as a birthday wishlist.

Customer Budgets And Rewards

Automatically manage your customers rewards and budget balances in realtime. Customers can even view their own balances to find out how much money they have available.
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