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Details about the Microsoft email blocking

What does the block mean?

We have received several questions about what it means to be blocked by Microsoft and what emails are not going out.  Any emails sent from our service to any of the email services owned by Microsoft are being rejected.  This means that emails to,,, and are all being rejected as well as other country variations such as etc.   This includes all automatic notifications, newsletters and any email sent manually (if you use our email services).   If you use the StoreSecured email services you will receive a bounce back message stating that the email was rejected.  If you use an outside email service the bounce back cannot sent.


When did the block start?

The email blocking began on 4/18 at 15:25pm Pacific time.


When will the issue be resolved?

We had several good emails back and forth with Microsoft yesterday regarding the block and getting it removed.  Unfortunately we have to rely on Microsoft to communicate with us and then unblock us and they have only email support.   Getting a block removed takes lots of time, effort, research and patience.  We were hoping for resolution today but have received no response since last evening, which is probably be due to the Easter holiday, we are probably looking at Monday at the earliest now.   Please be patient with us as we work to remove the block as quickly as possible.


How can I send these emails in the meantime?

The only alternatives are to send emails by using an external email service, ie one not hosted by StoreSecured or by waiting until the block is removed and then resending.



Can I still receive emails from these domains?

Yes, all email is arriving as normal from the Microsoft domains.



Why were we blocked?

This is a complicated question to answer since there are many factors but basically the percentage of failed emails to successful emails exceeded some internal Microsoft threshold making them think that some of our users were doing some bad things (from our research nothing was malicious).  This was caused by a variety of factors occurring simultaneously including:


Why are you now not allowing automatic email forwarding to Microsoft domain names?

Please see above in the why were we blocked area and note that a large part of the reason that we were blocked by Microsoft is due to these email forwards to Microsoft domain names.  Additionally it is against Microsoft’s email policy best practices to forward email automatically from another service.


What can I do to help ensure this does not happen again?

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