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Email Scheduled Maintenance

StoreSecured will be upgrading our email server software to the latest version of Smartermail this Sunday, May 12th at 9:00pm PST.   We expect the upgrade to be relatively quick with only a few short periods of downtime between 9-10pm PST.  During maintenance the email servers will, at times, be temporarily unavailable for sending/receiving email.  Any emails sent or receiving during any periods of downtime will automatically be received shortly after the maintenance is over.

Users who utilize our web mail interface will notice an upgraded web mail website with new features and functionality available.  If you do not use web mail you will not notice any difference in behavior.  We have been working very hard recently to increase the security and performance of our email server, add additional spam checking and increase the deliver-ability of client email.  This upgrade will allow us to stay up to date on our email security.   The newest version also includes a mobile browser optimized web mail for users with smart phones.

For an overview of some of the new features that will be available in the upgraded version of Smartermail please visit

A big thank you to all of the users who quickly upgraded their email passwords to be more secure last week.

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