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Google Analytics Support Added

StoreSecured now supports direct integration with Google Analytics. Google Analytics has some excellent statistics tracking tools and best of all its free. All you need to do to utilize this new functionality is:

Login to your StoreSecured account
Go to General–>Statistics Settings
Check the box for Enable Google Analytics
Enter your Google Analytics Tracking Code

If you already have a google analytics account here is a link to an faq about how to find out your tracking code number

If you do not have a google analytics account please visit to signup.

In your sites website profile please change the following:
Default page: store.asp
Exclude URL Query Parameters: Return_To, Shopper_Id, Cart_Empty, Message_Add, 1
Ecommerce website: Yes

Thats it, you should be ready to go now. Its important to note that Google Analytics takes about 24 hours to process the received data, so any purchases made and visits to your site will probably not show up in Google until the next day.

Technical Notes for special setups
StoreSecured will insert the tracking code automatically on all of the pages of your store and insert tracking code for purchases onto the receipt page. If you have regular straight html pages that are part of your site, or are hosting part of your site elsewhere and want to track the traffic between sites you will need to manually insert the tracking code on all pages not controlled by StoreSecured.

For users who are hosting a sales site elsewhere besides StoreSecured extra tracking and javascript codes are required for Google to be able to track visitors between hosts and different domain names etc. This is very advanced functionality and we do not recommend that anyone attempt this kind of integration unless you are very good at html, javascript etc. For more information on this advanced functionality of Google Analytics please visit the URL below:

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