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Important PCI Question Reminder


As part of StoreSecured’s PCI Compliance as a service provider we are now required to track the bank that each of our merchants uses to process credit card transactions.

Therefore we are asking all merchants to please submit this information before February 1st

Email To:

Subject: Processing Bank

Body: Your store id and the processing bank name

How do I know who my processing bank is?

This information should be on the merchant statement that you receive each month.  Ie, it may say something like x Payment Systems Sponsored by z Bank.  In this case what we are looking for is the z Bank Name.  Please note that the payment gateway is not the bank, ie BluePay, PayPal, Authorize.Net are not banks they are payment gateways.  Some common merchant processing banks are Harris, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Chase, etc.

What if I dont accept credit cards?

If you do not accept credit cards or you accept only PayPal standard payments or PayPal Pro please indicate that in your email.

Do you need any other information?

No, please do not send any other account information, or anything besides your store id and the bank name.  This is all that we need.

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