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New Blog Features Available – Blog meta content, comments, moderation and subscription

1) Blog Meta Fields

Functionality is now available to define meta tags for blog entries, ie meta title, meta keywords and meta description.

If the meta title is left blank the blog title will be used instead.

If the meta keywords are left blank the keywords for the main blog page will be used instead.

If the meta description is left blank the first 150 characters of the blog post will be used.

To define the meta tags for a blog post please visit Design–>Blog–>View/Edit and click on edit for the blog post to make changes to.  The meta fields are shown at the bottom of the blog edit/add page.

2) Blog Comments

Functionality is now available to enable comments on blog entry.  If comments are enabled then shoppers can comment on blog posts.  To turn on blog comments please visit General–>Other Settings.  If the blog is enabled you should see a box labelled Allow Blog Comments, check the box to turn on comments in your blog.

3) Blog Moderation

Functionality is now available to enable moderation on blog comments.  If moderation is enabled then all comments will be first sent to the site admin for approval before being displayed.  To turn on blog moderation please visit General–>Other Settings.  If the blog and comments are enabled you should see a box labelled Enable Blog Moderation, check the box to turn on moderation for new blog comments.

4) Blog Subscriptions

Functionality is now available to have users subscribe to blog posts and/or blog comments.  A user subscribing to the blog will be alerted of all new posts that are added to the blog.  A user subscribing to a post will be alerted when new comments are posted to the blog.  To customize the emails that are sent for blog subscriptions and/or to turn on admin notifications for new comments please visit General–>Email Notifications and scroll to the bottom where the Blog Comment Notification and Blog Post Notification emails are available.

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