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New Feature for Shipping

Shipping can now be calculated based on the number of items in the order.

For example $5 per item.  Customer orders 4 items at $5 per item for shipping.  Total shipping cost would be 4 items x $5 = $20.

In addition we have added the ability to add rules based on the number of items.

For example 0-5 items shipping cost is $10, 6-10 items shipping cost is $15 and so on.

All other rules and fees for shipping are still available in addition to the above and all can be used in combination.   For instance a flat fee can be used in addition to number of items.  Or a weight fee can be used with a total fee and so on.  Rules can also be setup by country, state, zip code and much more, try it out today.

This new feature is applicable only to the new shipping methods.  To switch to the new way of calculating shipping please go to Shipping–>Settings and check the box labelled New shipping system.  Its important to note that shipping rules are not shared between the old shipping system and the new shipping system, so changes made to one area do not affect the other.

Advantages of the new shipping system over the old:

Important Note: The old shipping system (OSS) and the new shipping system (NSS) are 2 entirely different entities. The data is completely separate. We can’t merge the two. We have a program that will attempt to transfer all the methods of the OSS to the NSS. However, making a change in one shipping system won’t automatically transfer to the other.  If you are switching from one system to another and would like the existing shipping methods transferred which you can then review and enable please create a support request asking to have your shipping methods copied from the old to the new system.

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