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New Features Available – Abandoned Purchase Email and Shipping Estimator Default

1) Abandoned Purchase Email

Functionality is now available to email customers who do not complete the checkout process after a certain number of minutes.   Note that this email can only be sent if a customer starts the checkout process and gives their email address.  If checkout is not started no personal information is known and no email can be sent.

To enable this feature go to General–>Email–>Notifications.  Scroll all of the way to the bottom of the page to the Abandoned Purchase Email.  Choose the number of minutes to wait till sending and create your automatic email.

2)  Shipping Estimator Default Address

Functionality is now available to define a default address to use for calculating shipping and taxes automatically in the shipping estimator.  Normal shipping and tax estimation is done after the customer enters their basic address information.  If the shipping and tax rates are generally consistent regardless of the customer address this new functionality is useful to automatically show the shipping and taxes without the need for customer entry.

To enable this feature go to General–>Cart Settings.  First the shipping estimator must be set to show, then you can choose to enable the default address and enter in the address to use.

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