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New Features Added (Shipping Coupons)


To all merchants who have requested shipping coupons, we are happy to report that they are now available.
To add a shipping coupon

  1. Visit Marketing–>Coupons–>Add
  2. Add a coupon as you would normally but under Discount Available on, choose Shipping as the type
  3. Pick the shipping methods that the discount should apply to
  4. Hit Save

The coupon can now be used at checkout just like a regular coupon.

**Note that shipping coupons are ONLY valid for merchants using the NEW shipping system.  If you have not switched we encourage you to do so now.**

Additional new coupon functionality includes:

Copy Added

Copy functionality has been added for Coupons, Departments and Promotions to enable quick creation of new records.  Copy links are located in the top right hand area of the edit screen.

New Login Settings

Added the ability to capture billing and shipping information on a single page versus 2 separate pages.  By default all current stores will use the old separate registration pages unless explicitly changed to the new setting.

Added the ability for merchants to setup their store to allow shoppers to see items but not add to the cart or see prices until registered.  This is a special setting for stores which do not want shoppers to be able to purchase items until they register.

Both new settings are available under General–>Login Settings

Field Limits Increased

The field limits on the following pages have been increased to accommodate more content.



Pages/Page Head/Unlimited

Pages/Meta Description/1500 characters

Pages/Meta Keywords/1500 characters

Department Layout/Layout/Unlimited

Inventory Layout/Small Layout/Unlimited

Inventory Layout/Featured Layout/Unlimited

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