New Features – Attributes

Posted on May 28, 2010Categories FeaturesTags ,

The attribute view/edit and add screens have been updated to the new format. Please note that this applies to all merchants who are using the new item edit screens. At this time all merchants who are using the old item edit screens will still see the old attribute edit screens. New functionality and enhancements include: Automatic data checking before hitting save Hiding of fields that are not applicable to an attribute Use of the settings link to permanently hide fields … Continue reading “New Features – Attributes”

Attribute Quantity in Stock

Posted on November 17, 2009Categories Features, Important ChangesTags ,

In addition to the attribute changes described yesterday for tracking stock on the intersection of attributes we have also added support for keeping track of the quantity in stock for a single attribute.  The attribute in stock is managed from the attribute edit screen. Please see the figure below with the quantity field highlighted. Please note the following important points for this feature: Leave the field blank if you do not wish to track stock for this attribute, this is … Continue reading “Attribute Quantity in Stock”

New Feature for Attributes

Posted on November 16, 2009Categories FeaturesTags , 2 Comments on New Feature for Attributes

We have added an exciting new feature for merchants who want to track their inventory in stock for items with multiple attributes.  For instance lets say you sold t-shirts and you have 3 sizes, Small, Medium and Large and 3 colors, Red, Blue and Green.  You have only 1 of each color and size combination and you dont want to sell more then you have.  Up until now you could not use the store to keep track of the fact … Continue reading “New Feature for Attributes”