New Features – Out of Stock Items and Tax Import/Export

Posted on May 24, 2010Categories FeaturesTags ,

Out of Stock Requests If an item is out of stock the merchant can allow shoppers to enter their email to receive a notice when the item is in stock. To turn on Out of Stock Requests for your site please visit General–>Item Settings. First make sure you have selected to Show out of stock items. Then you can select the box to show the out of stock requests as well. When Out of Stock Requests is enabled a link … Continue reading “New Features – Out of Stock Items and Tax Import/Export”

Added New Edit Screen for Attribute Intersection Quantity

Posted on January 28, 2010Categories FeaturesTags ,

There is now a new way to edit the quantity in stock for your Attribute Intersection Quantities.  Previously the only way to change the quantity in stock was via an import,  you can now edit these quantities via an Edit screen.  To access this feature visit Inventory–>Items–>Attribute Intersection–>View/Edit. For more details on the Attribute Intersection Quantity and what it is and how it works please visit the following link Important Notes: Adding new intersection quantities can still only be done … Continue reading “Added New Edit Screen for Attribute Intersection Quantity”